Leadership for teacher development

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Success of educational institution depends upon the quality of teachers.Teachers development means enhancing the quality of teachers to deliver required contents in an effective way.Teachers can enhance their performance through the acquisition of knowledge and learning new methods and techniques to teach.Teachers development is associated with the social,physiological or cognitive and technical skill development.They need both human intelligence and emotional intelligence.
Situational leadership model is very good and appropriate tool for teachers development.The teacher trainer or mentor can use it to train the teacher.If the teacher is in experienced and crude,the trainer provides high task behaviour and lowrelatiioin behaviour.When the teachers are unable but willing,the trainers provides high task high relationship behaviour to encourage them to make more competent .When the teachers are able but unwilling,the trainer and the head teachers provide low task and high relationship behaviour to participate the teachers in tasks.As the teachers became gradually more competent and skilled,the snior authority can give morer autonomy or freedom.Trainers and higher authority`s behaviour depends on the readiness or maturity of the teachers,

South African Education

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There are 12.3 million learnears in south africa.There are 386600 teachers and 26292 schools,including 1098 registered independent or private schools.Among these schools 6000 are high schools and the rest primary.High schools covers grade 7 to 12 and rest primary covers grade 0 to grade 6.
In government-funded public schools,the average ratio of school;s(known as "learners in term of the countr`s outcome-based education system) to teachers "educators is 32.6 to one,while private schools enearally have one teachers every 17.5 scholars.
The national education of department is responsible for higher education-instututions have fair amount of outonomy,but are expected to fall in line with certain government non-negotioble-no child may be excluded from a school o0n grounds of his or her race or regelion for eg.
The central government provides a national fromework for school policy,but administrative responsiblity lies with the provinces.Power is further developed grassroots level via elected school governing bodies,which have a significant ray in the running of their schools.
In south africa there are mainly three bands of education which are:
  • general education&training

  • higher education &training

  • further education &training
Three bands of education is recognises by south africans national qualifications F ramework(NQF) which are general education & training,further education & training and higher education & training.
school life spons 13 years or grades from grade 0,otherwise known as grade R or"reception year" through to grade 12 or"matric" which is also known as year of matriculation.General education year & training start from 0 to grade 9.Under the south africa schools act of 1996,education is compulsory for all south.Africans from age 7 to age 15.General education and training also includes Adult basic education And training.

Family Life Education

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The education given to the individual by the family and family members top fulfil the above needs is called family education.
Family life education is an essential educational process within the family.It provides education regarding the way of living,managment and preparation for successive future life to the adoloscene.Besides this,the education knowledge and skills regarding the accepted age of marriage causes of delayed marriage,way of maternal-child,health care,planning of family,right and responsibilities as future parents,methods of developing and maintaining the healthy relation among the family members,planning for old age etc are transmitted to the adolescene and the growing individual.Thus,the family education provides the base and ability to learn,choose and take creative and responsible dicisions independently regarding himself/herself and to the society.In this context the family is the very foundation upon which socity is built and of all social institutions exerts the greatest influence.Fundamental behaviour patterns such as eating,sleeping,elimination as well as many emotional reaction to people and to situation are laid in the family.In facts the family provides an enviroment where a child can develop physically,mentally,socially and spiritually.Thus,we many say that the family education is the process of education which helps the child and individual to gain their physical,social,moral,ethical,emotional and other essential qualities to adjust in the dynamic society and to participate actively in the developmental task of society and nation.
The family education is the base of life.So it must be started from the very begining of life,or we may say that family education must be given from the early childhood.In this process,education should be based on the need,intrest,attitude,physical changes,developmental stage and their circumstance.
Importance of family life education;

  • family life education helps to understand the fundamental behaviour patterns of the society.

  • This types of education helps the individual for the adults life and future parenthood.

  • family life education helps to develop the balance and healthy personality.

  • this type of education helps to understand the socio-culture interaction,values,belief and relation to adjust in the dynamic process.

  • it helps to develop healthy,co-0perative and co-odinated behaviours among the family members and with their age-mate.

Health Education

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health education begins with the start of life and extends throughout the span of existence,in home,in school and comminity at large.Health education is an essential tool of community health.Every branch of community health has an educational aspects of health.In fact community health is just health education,and every community health worker is a health educator.The objective of health education is'to win friends and influence people'.Although health education has unique characterstics in each of these settings,a common thread runs through them all,giving unity of purpose and of direction.
The term'health education' means many thins to many peoples.Numerous individuals and groups have attempted to define it.For some,it is an educational force,or a process by which agents of agents of education such as the teachers,nurses or parents exert their influence individuals in such a way as to impress behaviour.The WHO expert comitte on health education has stated,"Health education is the process which enables individuals and groups of individual to realise their health needs and match them to necessary health behaviours for attainment of positive health.Health education like general education is concerned with the change in knowledge,attitude and behaviour of the people.In it`s most useful form it is concentrated on the development of such practices as believed to attain the best possible state of well being.
According to the society of public health Education,"Health education is a process which affects change in the health practices of people and in the knowledge and attitudes related to such changes."
In the view of R.E. Grout,"Health education is the translation of what is know about health into desirable individual and community behaviour patterns by means of the educational process."
The above defination implies that,

  • Health education is an process involving a series of steps- not a single procedure.

  • Health education is concerned with establishing or including changes in the knowledge,attitudes,and behaviour that promote helathy living.

  • Health education involves efforts by the people.

The objectives of health education are as fallows,

  1. to ensure that health is valued as an asset in community.

  2. to encourage the people to attain good health.

  3. to equip the people to solve their health problem with their own actions and efforts.

  4. to promote and encourage the development and proper use of available health services.

The importances of health education are,

  • develop and practise desirable healthy behaviour.

  • appriciate the aesthetic values of helathy living,including cleanliness,sanitation exercise and balanced diet.

  • contribute to the maintenance and improvement of health of friends,neighbours,members of the family,community and nation.

  • find emotional satisfaction in individuals relationship with the school home and community.

importance of physical education

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Any type of physical activity is natural to a human being.Physical activities are necessary for human growth and development.As such physical education has been a part of human being since time immemorial.As time passed on,human life and their activities become more complicated,and the physical activities which were found to be beneficial for different purposes for human beings were selected.In fact walking,running,jumping,throwing physical education has been developed on these basic movement.Physical education is basically a movement skills.In this context the main purposes of teaching physical education is to make an individual physically fit,mentally alert,emotionally stable,socially hermonious and adjustable.So,these days more emphasis is being given to the physical activities by different countries.A country needs not just citizens but citizens with sound mind with a sound physique.In the light of above discussion,the importance of physical education can be summerized under the following major points;

  • proper growth and development of organs.

  • physical education helps to built proportionate muscular body and personality.

  • physical education develops mental ability.

  • physical education develops social quality.

  • physical education provides the atmosphere for pleasing to the mind{Recreation}.

  • physical helps to utilize the leisure time.